
Sports · 27. October 2019
I spent ten days aboard Bill’s Tartan 37 sailboat, bringing the boat from West Palm Beach to Miami and then sailing to some of the Upper Keys of Florida, a cruiser’s paradise with hundreds of tropical islands. We both improved our sailing skills and had some exiting moments going through rainstorms, narrow channels and dealing with very gusty winds.
Sports · 07. February 2019
Monday, 4th of February it was the first time I was watching a horse race. I left Ixmiquilpan with Hugo and his friends in the morning together with four horses and we headed towards the race track "el Cuervo" close to Cadereyta de Montes. After almost two hours of driving we arrived and there wasn't much time to prepare the horses for the races. In the first race I was so overwhelmed by the abrupt start that I hardly noticed how the three jockeys were speeding past me.
Sports · 06. February 2019
One afternoon I was spending with Araceli at Koua Aventura Extrema, a center where you can realize different kinds of outdoor sports. We decided to go for rapel (abseiling) and via ferratas.